
Tuesday, 29 September 2015


This unit of Dragon Princes arrives directly from their homeland Caledor, a wild nation close to the huge Annulli peaks where Dragons sleep for centuries even milennium. Their ancesters used to go to battle mounted on poweful dragons. Unfortunately these beasts now are just few in number so the Prince Dragons must ride on elven steeds and wear dragon-shaped armors.

The white and red escheme of colors is followed by our customer on his army. Check out that combines pretty well with the golden details.

The unit command gruop highlight over the rest because the yield different equipment. 

The banner has a free hand of our customer's army emblem: the great Legio VII

This haughty Lord of Dragons is the unit leader and an experimented warriors who has fought in thousands of battles.

Wednesday, 23 September 2015


Do you remember a Tomb Guard unit that we uploaded some weeks ago? Now it is turn for the other part of the order composed by 32 Squeleton Archers. We have performed them in our game level and as you can see they are pretty clean and well painted. The scheme is the classic one used by Games Workshop but with less weathered effect in the bones. That's why these Khemri Squeleton Archers are so white!

These regiments are going to be placed in two lines in the diorama of our customer, so the assembly has been thought for this kind of formation.

Within the command grupo we only have assembled the standard-bearer.

The standard-bearer has been painted in our premium level. You can see the weathered effects at the bones and in the rest of model elements. In addition, we have added some simple free hands at the banner.

Thursday, 17 September 2015


Villans have a bad day here in our blog because our last order is the Punisher of Knight Models. This great miniature has been painted with our premium level. Despite the specifications of that level, we have decided to apply some extra techniques that approach this Punisher to the legendary level. What a beauty...

The whole model has cenital lights and if you pay attention, you'll see that we have applied Non Metallic Metal on the gun, buckle and the rest of metallic elements. In addition check out the cleanliness of the T-Shirt and the pants too.

We have cared for the skin in order to get a result as much realistic as possible.  

Tuesday, 15 September 2015


And finally we have the chance to paint a Blood Bowl team! In these four years we have never painted a full team and we really want to dedicate a little corner of our blog to this Games Workshop specilist game. Special order for us and very funny to paint:

Willy Miniatures is a company exclusively dedicated to Blood Bowl. Althought the quality is not premium, you can expect dinamism and originality on their models. Here you've got a pair of Flesh Golem that are a nice example of what we are talking about:

Ghouls are always the base of any Undead team.

Werewolfs are deadly players, very fast and agile but at the same time hard to catch and block.

Ghouls are heavy players very well armored and rule the Undead teams. They are perfect to guard the flanks.

Zombies. Slow but efficient line players.

We hope you like it. In a few time we will upload more teams and not common races, so stay tuned!

Friday, 11 September 2015


It seems that a Nurgle Plague Prince of Spellcrow has infiltrated in our workshop because we barely have seen it. Our painter and partner Darío has painted in a few hours. Check it out because the result is simply great! Painting quick can be also clean, with a premium quality level and performing special effects that we will show you now. Father Nurgle is pleased...

We want to highlight the great work performed at the skin and loincloth. Neither miss all the small details that this Nurgle Daemon Prince hide: left arm is full of worms and many times you can see its putrid pale skin between the armour pieces.

Finally pay attention at the axe. Darío has get a very realistic rusted effect. Imagine a blow of this axe...

Thursday, 10 September 2015


Look what a nice Bane Thralls unit from Warmachine we have painted during the last month of August. It is a grateful change because most of our orders are from Games Workshop. According to their background, they are a unit that is surrounded by shadows and death. Thats why we have painted them with rusted armours and dark clothes. Green points fit very well with their ghostly atmosphere. Welcome to our first post about Cryx!

Bane Thrall officers drive the unit to the battle. They are sadist warriors who will follow any order their warcaster command.

Fijaos la limpieza general con la que se ha pintado. Como os decíamos antes, los detalles en verde casi fosforito resaltan muy bien dentro de todo el esquema oscuro y oxidado.

On the standard bearer we highlight the free hand. Simple but effective.

And here is the Bane Thrall unit. They all maintain the squad coherence. As a special request, our customer demanded us to paint a green line on the bases in order to indicate the line of sight of each model.  

Soon we will upload more Cryx works because a Helljack and some Night Wretches are about to be finished but, you will have to wait a couple of weeks to see them.
Thanks to all of you and cheers from the whole A3OMÁS team.


Our legendary level is the most prestigious and elaborated that we have and in which we apply our most complicated techniques: free hands, Non Metallic Metal, glazing, etc. In this level airbrush work is even more intrincate than in the premium level in order to get a coherent lightning with much more realistic effects.


Our Premium level is our most hired level by our customers due to the high painting quality and price. You will find that your miniatures will look fantastic because with this level we really pay attention at lighting with airbrush and details. We add between other things (if the model requires) simple free hands at banners or shoulder pads.


White Weasel miniature painting studio.

Commission miniature painting services.
Taylor made scenery.

Facebook: White Weasel Studio