
Thursday, 5 March 2015


An indomitable and impulsive Dragon Mage of Caledor mounted on his Sun Dragon arrived some time ago to our workshop in order to be painted. Finally, his hour has come and we already can show it here. In fact we were anxious to perform this famous High Elves model which one of us has as part of his army. Unfortunately, we don't have much time for personal painting projects...
Anyway, be welcome to this spectacular post about dragons and magic!

For this huge miniature, our customer didn't want something too much complicated about the scheme of colors. We have just followed the classic blue and white High Elves shades and a red color for the Dragon skin (it is a Sun Dragon at the end) very tipicial of the Caledor beasts. The rest is made by the model itself, with such an impressive posture spreading its wings and flying away. Its psychological effects on the battlefield are obviuos but at the same time fits great placing it in a showcase leading your high elves army.
As a curiosity, the Dragon Mage has been magnetized in order to exchange its two possible riders: the High Elves Prince and the Dragon Mage of Caledor. Let's see this model detail by detail:

One of the most important parts is the dragon head. We especially like the horns and the eye.

I wouldn't like to see something like this in front of me!

In this picture you can see the whole Dragon Mage from the other side. Here we can appreciate better the wings and the white clothes. In addition, the vegetation of the base offers some green spots that fit great with the red skin of the beast.

Airbrush has been crucial in this project. You can sense its effects in the dragon skin and the white clothes

For the base, we have wanted to differentiate the rocks and the earth by painting them with different colors. This gives more variety to the composition. If you realize, earth doesn't distune with the dragon wings and skin.

Finally we want to show an overview of the whole Dragon Mage. As you see it is pretty small if we want to catch its real size in one photo.

Without doubt it has been a tough work but worth it. We can already say that we have painted this miniature! Not everyday we have the chance to paint a dragon nor upload a nice post like the one of today. We hope you like it and... regards!

PS.: The painter wants to dedicate this post to Ines and her newborn Nicolás.

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