Soul Drinkers are a Excommunicate Traitoris chapter due to an incident between them and the Adeptus Mechanicus during the search of a Soul Drinkers artifact called the Soulspear. That relic was a gift from their Primarch Rogal Dorn and was able to create Warp vortex. In that time, some bandids had it in their power but just in the moment when it was going to be recovered, a platoon of Adeptus Mechanicus soldiers took it. That action loosed a war that ended being the Soul Drinkers declared traitors.
*Picture taken from
After a brief explanation of these Space Marines, let us introduce you the order. We have painted 2 squads: a Veteran unit and a Sternguard Veteran squad. As you will see later, our customer has conversioned each one of his Marines (Soul Drinkers are not an official chapter) using pieces from multiple Space Marines boxes: Space Wolves, Khorne Berzerkers or even Dark Angels. After a tough work like that, it only remained our part: give them life with our brushes.
This unit of Space Marines Veternas is specialised in close combat and carry lightning claws and chainaxes. They also are equipped with jump packs in order to fall over the enemy from the skies. The heads chosen by our customer fit very well for this unit.
This unit is more specialised in missile attacks than the previous one. They have a more variety of weapons and are able to fight against all kind of enemies: light or heavy infantry, tanks,... In this case, they carry ordinary Bolters and chainswords but we can find a flameror a storm bolter.
We have wanted to show you some Space Marines independently so you can see closer all their details. For example: our customer has bought specific Soul Drinkers left shoulder pads.
These two veteran Space Marines look much more corpulent thanks to the jump packs and the size of their close combat weapons. Anyway, conversions fit great along with the violet and gold scheme of colors. In addition, those simple bases decorated with sand make the models call your attention.
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Thanks for reading and regards from the whole team.
Thanks for reading and regards from the whole team.
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