The model that we want to show you today is a special one. It doesn't belong to any order: it has been painted by our mate Borja in order to take part of the Games Workshop Zaragoza monthly painting contest (and luckily he won!). Certanly Alex (manager of the store) has had a very good idea arranging a contest like this each month with simple and accessible models. A great iniciative, specially for young and new fans that can try their best and don't spend too much money at the same time.
We have already seen Borja in this kind of contests before with successful results. Do you remember this Space Marine Librarian?
We have already seen Borja in this kind of contests before with successful results. Do you remember this Space Marine Librarian?
The chosen model of this month has been the Tau Cadre Fireble, a specialized character for Fire Warrior teams. Our Cadre Fireblade has been represented crossing a swamp area with pretty dense vegetation. It is advancing with caution, raising the weapon over his head and watching carefully his scanner. As you can see, Borja has changed his weapons: instead of his pulse rifle, the Cadre Fireblade carries a pulse carbine. He also has removed the Bonding knife for a scanner in order to locate any threat or obstacles on the ground (which is very appropriate for the scene). Do you like it?
Cadre Fireblade overview.
Pay attention at the color scheme that our mate has chosen. Those purple shades turned into pink fit great in combination with the skin and the white armor. In addition it gets a nice contrast with the vegetation.
Check out the vegetation details such as the moss in the dead tree.
Here you can see better the whole swamp area and the scanner.
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