Our customer is completing his Eldar Biel-Tan Craftwolrd army with a Wraithlord and 12 Windrider Jetbikes. Not bad!
Eldar Wraithlord
The Wraithlord has been magnetized in order to exchange all its weapons depending the battle and the foe it fights. It has magnets on its shoulder platforms to place any weapon there and other magnet on its right wrist, so he can select 3 different possible hands: a fist, a hand with a Wraithsword and a hand with a trigger to place weapons on there too. Imagine the variety of armament that this Wraithlord can carry. As much as our customer desire! Here you have some pics:
Wraithlord without weapons.
A general view of it with Wraithsword. We want to highlight the work performed with airbrush all over the head and the body, along with the sword details.
Can you count how many jewels does it has?
Rear view.
We have equipped our Wraithlord with a Scatter Laser and a Eldar Missile Launcher on its shoulders.
And now we exchange its right hand in order to place the hand with a trigger and a missile laucher on there.
We raise the bet adding a Bright Lance to the Shuriken Cannon.
And finally we just want to show you the desert base that we have painted for it.
Eldar Windrider Jetbikes.
Jetbikes are much more simple than the Wraithlord, but they are anyway very showy miniatures. Four of them have the Shuriken Cannon upgrade pack. Do not miss the flags we have made for them!
Check out they have freehands of black thorns and jewels all over the hull.
Do you like the flags we made for them?
We hope you like it! Step by step our customer is getting a nice Eldar army. Soon we will be back with more stuff.
Thanks to all of you and see you next time!