
Friday, 24 May 2013


Bjorn the Fell-Handed is a mythical Dreadnought and Space Wolves warrior. He already was a Blood Claw when the primarch of his Chapter, Leman Russ, was still alive. Bjorn leaded by himself the great hunt to find him after the burning of Prospero.
Bjorn has lived for millenniums and now it is just awaken each 1.000 years or in critical moments when his chapter needs him, like in the Defence of the Fang.


As you see is a miniature with a long background! 

This Bjorn is going to be included at the Space Wolves army that we are performing for a customer. So we have painted him with the same stone grey and the same base decoration than the rest of the army miniatures in order to keep coherence. On the other hand, we have respected the original Games Workshop colour scheme exept some extra runes and free hands. We only complain about one thing: miniature is made of Finecast and has some small damages impossible to fix with Green Stuff. Anyway, we are quite satisficed with the final results. Let's see this miniature detail by detail:

Wolf Claws details (with small free hand).

Bjorn's assault cannon. Check out extra rune and sticker. 

With a small free hand, we have changed the original Games Workshop Bjorn's icon to the 10th Great Company of Space Wolves, which is the one that our customer wants to reproduce: Ragnar Blackmane's company. Check out all the cables that surround the pilot's sarcophagus. 

Simple right leg free hand.

Dreadnought's back view. You can see both leg matallic details and snow base.

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