"Indeed the very process of construction and creation foreshadows destruction and decay. The palace of today is tomorrow's ruin, the maiden of the morning is the crone of the night, and the hope of a moment is but the foundation stone of everlasting regret."
"The Lost and the Damned"
Request of today is a project of Chaos Space Marines of
Nurgle with a Pre-Heresy colour scheme. In concrete, is the Death Guard traitor legion. Its Primarch, Mortarion, fought along with Horus against the Emperor of Mankind. In addition this request, has been an example of cooperation and teamwork.

It is a great project that includes a
Heldrake and three Obliterators of Nurgle conversions (original miniatures are
Deathshroud Terminators of Forge World). We have to say that it is the first time in our short career that we work hand to hand with one of our customers because this project had two different phases:
- Turn miniatures into Nurgle ones (boils made by Green Stuff, etc.) and magnetization.
- Painting of miniatures.
Our client was in charge of transforming his miniatures and place the magnets. The objetives of magnetizing these miniatures are different in each one of them:
- For Obliterators of Nurgle, the aim was to get two miniatures in one: exchange their arms in order to use the role of Mutilators or Obliterators.
- Heldrake was ready to be assembled in two different positions: flying and attacking.
After this huge work (he deserves our congratulations) our turn came.
It wasn't an easy task but results talk by themselves. A combined work of brush and air-brush have managed bring life to these amazing Death Guard miniatures with a Pre-Heresy colour scheme.
Do you want to see photos? Go ahead!
Check out their mutant arms and heads.
Can you count all the boils that these Mutilators have?
Of course, both heads and arms are magnetized in order to be exchanged.
With missile weapons they turn into Obliterators of Nurgle.
Their bases are a rotted swamp, perfect for Nurgle.
Here Heldrake is flying.
Base have been made according to Nurgle: a rotted swamp. It matches in the universe of Warhammer 40K.
A nice air-brush work.
Have you seen its tail? It comes from a Dark Eldar Talos Pain Engine and it is magnetized too. A very original idea.
Heldrake in attack position.
To place our Heldrake in its two positions, we have used a marker pen: its cap fits perfectly (we plug the marker) and we get the horizontal position.
For vertical one, we use this time the back part of the marker, that of course, fits perfectly too. An intelligent and cheap idea to solve the problem.
We hope you enjoy these miniatures and we want to encourage all of you to start a project like this. At the end really worth it!
Do not miss our next post about SPACE WOLVES. It will come with plenty of miniatures!