
Saturday, 24 November 2012


We want to dedicate the request of this week to something that we show you in our blog not too long ago: Dark Vengeance miniatures.

We have painted this Hellbrute, this Kranon and this Chaos Space Marine Sorcerer (with a small pose conversion) in a diferent way that the ones of a couple of weeks ago. This time, our customer wanted a Chaos Undivided scheme of colors, that is to say, black armors and dark metallic and golden tones. Cloaks were performed in violet and dark blue, which stand out perfectly against the other colors. For organic parts, we heve used rooted or sickly shades, blending flesh, purple even green colors.
Of course, these great miniatures had to be highlighted with special bases.

This post is just an example of how a miniature can be painted in several ways and look great in each one of them. If you are interested or you want to compare, we leave you here a link to our other Dark Vengeance request where you will see, among other things, a Thousand Sons Hellbrute.

And now, photos:

Chaos Undivided Hellbrute

Kranon the Relentless

Chaos Space Marine Sorcerer

It has been great to have the chance to paint again these miniatures, but with diferent schemes of colors. It has given us ideas and we have been able to compare which one we prefer and which colors fit better with Chaos Space Marines... for possible next armies...
Greetings for the whole team!

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