
Wednesday, 22 August 2012


Just when we had finished a nice Chaos Space Marines request a couple of weeks ago, we receive a new one! We are having an hectic summer! But we have to recognize that at the expense of not playing enough battles nor working for ourselves. It will be time for those matters. We hope to keep receiving your miniatures!

The request that we show you today is composed by a Khorne Daemon Prince of Forge World, which we have built a new base. Our customer saw our Bloodthirster and asked to us for a very characteristic Khorne's base to highlight this amazing miniature. Moreover, he wanted to complement his request with a Terminator Nurgle squad (they have a few personal changes) to be commanded by Typhus, Herald of Nurgle.

Here we leave you the photos:

Base's details. A Khorne Daemon must have enough skulls and chains on it base! We wanted to simulate a blood river, which gives coherence and a daemoniac look according to the God that it serves.

However, at the beginning the base wasn't painted like a blood river, but lava. But we proposed the idea to our customer and he decided to change the original idea. Here we show you the first steps of it construction and how the Daemon Prince looked with the lava's river base. ¿Which one do you prefer?

We wanted to raise the miniature so we built a mound with mold putty leaving some gaps to simulate a riverbed.

Here you can see it almost done but for a few details.

Here you can check out the Nurgle's Terminators. Nurglings at the bases have been placed there by decision of our customer. What a pets!

And finally...Typhus, Herald of Nurgle and commander of the Nurgle's Terminator squad. We love this miniature.

That's all for now. We hope you enjoyed these miniatures. We always like to work on big miniatures such us the Khorne Daemon Prince.
We keep performing requests but soon it's possible that you see new Malifaux updates. Stay tuned!

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