The customer that rewarded us one month ago with an Outcasts band of Malifaux, has decided to be generous again and bring us the chance to paint another band, but an Arcanists one now. If the last time we were surrounded of renegades, street thugs, chains and knives; now we move on into a world of Cabaret shows, magic and illusions.
That's right because for this request we have painted the Colette Set Box that includes her miniature, Cassandra, and 2 Performers with their respective Mannequins. But this was not enough for our customer, so he decided to complement his new band with Angelica, Mistress of Ceremonies; 2 Coryphée, 1 Kaeris miniature and 1 Gunsmith Female. Nice!
Finally, to end his Outcasts band, he has passed us a miniature of Hamelin, the Ratcatcher.
Of course, we think that Malifaux miniatures are great, always taking the best topics and cliches, blending them with very dynamic and original postures.
Our customer purposed us bases in coherence with the special environment of these miniautures, that's why we have included on them gold coins and Poker cards all around. The ground has been built of wood to simulate the scenery of a theatre. Can be anything better than all of this?
Colette du Bois.
Angelica, Mistress of Ceremonies
Gunsmith - Female
(How lovely the puppy is!!)
His base has been painted different because he will be included at the diorama that we are building for the Outcasts band.
We are done with Malifaux by the moment. We thought we would receive another small band in a few days, but the customer finally is going to send us something...different because of the release of the Dark Vengueance set box. You'll see!