
Tuesday, 26 June 2012


One of our works for this summer is a great Warhammer 40.000 Chaos Space Marines army. It's a pretty big request: 4 Rhinos, 50 Khorne Berzerkers, 1 Khorne World Eaters Terminator Lord Zhufor of Forge World (we love this miniature). And we are not taking into account the master piece: a Bloodthirster, Great Demon of Khorne that deserves a single post in our blog when it will be finished.
For now we've assembled and primed the whole request. All the bases have been finished too. Moreover, we've already applied most of the base coats as both Rhinos and Khorne Berzerkers. But we've wanted to start directly with the Bloodthirster because it is an astonishing miniature. In the pictures we've already had done some progress with it, but at the present time it is already over. If you want to check the results, you just have to follow the next link: Bloodthirster completed. We are sure that you will like it. Now here you've got the photos so you can check out our progress. By the way, stay tuned to our blog because we will update it as soon as we advance with this huge request! 

 Bloodthirster, Great Demon of Khorne in process:

First and second unit of Khorne Berzerkers. They already have their bases and base colors done. Finally we can start with the details.

Bases destined to the third and fourth unit of Berzerkers. These bases have a stony-volcanic look and must be built and painted before the paint process starts.

Rhinos with a red base coat applied with air brush. Weapons are assembled and painted by separate. In that way it will be easier to paint them getting better results.


  1. Que ganas de ver los progresos de ese ejército de marines profanos!!! desde luego este verano el rojo marine se lleva!!! XD!

    1. ¡Muchas gracias por tus comentarios siempre amables, Rafa! Nos es agradable tener noticias tuyas.
      Poco a poco vamos progresando con este gran encargo. ¡Es todo un reto para nosotros!



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