We still haven't show anything about this request that we had hidden. We have been working on it step by step, trying to advance at the same time that we complete other requests. But finally, we have performed a few part that we want to show you.
Today, we bring you to our blog a huge detachment of Space Wolves, just a part of what it will be a whole company of a Space Marines chapter: the company of Ragnar Blackmane. We have already finished a shred of it: 2 Blood Claws squads and a Hero conversioned by our client.
We have to recognize that when we saw everything already assembled over our table, we felt overwhelmed. But...what do you think?
112 Space Wolves, 15 heroes and 7 Drop Pods. Many work to do here.
7 Drop Pods!
Some of the heroes that we still have to paint. As you can see, we have all the bases already performed. Snow and icicles fit perfectly for Space Wolves. It's really easy and quick to do and looks great! We have also finished all the airbrush work, applying the base coat and first armor lights with it.
But now let's see what we have painted. We will start for the troops: 2 squads of 15 Blood Claws each one. They include some heavy weapons and each one has his own squad sign on his right shoulder pad. We reserve the left one for the company's icon: the Ragnar's wolf.
1st Blood Claws squad.
Details of a couple of Marines, one equipped with meltagun.
Marines with power fist, plasma pistol and flamer.
1st Blood Claws squad sign.
Ragnar Blackmane's company sign.
2nd Blood Claws squad.
Marines with power fist and meltagun.
You can check here these Marines with the Mark of Wulfen.
Detail of the Marine equipped with flamer and the Mark of Wulfen as well.
2nd Blood Claws squad sign.
Time for the hero that we have painted. This character was originally made from a miniature of Archaon. Hope you like it!
Base details of the snow and icicles.
And finally, we want to show how it looks everything together in formation. Pity we won't see the whole request painted at the same time.
Hero along with the 1st squad.
Hero along with the 2nd squad.
And this has been all for today. We are going to have a lot of work only with the rest of this Space Wolves request, so you must be patient. Something like this needs many time to be finished! It still remains 40 Grey Hunters, 10 Terminators, 15 Wolf Guards... the list never ends!
Cheers from the whole team to our readers!