Greetins guys!
We're pleased to introduce to all of you our new request. If the last month was the month of Bretonnia...this month will be about Chaos. Get ready for the invasion!
We've received 20 Marauders, 30 Warriors of Chaos and one Marauder Champion of Avatars of War. First of all Borja decided to try with the Marauder Champion. It was a new miniature for us but you'll see the results. Just great. At the same time the rest of the team started to paint the unit of 20 Marauders.
Our client wanted a Marauder unit with a real barbarian look, directly arrived from the North. That means: tanned and bronzed skins and dark weapons and clothes.
On the other hand, he wanted his Slaanesh Warriors with purple coats and dark metallic armors. Our client wanted to split them in two units of 15. We have painted the coats that they carry on their shoulders with grey and white, getting a weathered effect in order to seem wolf skins. This gives coherence with their bases and their dark appearance.
This is an overview of the whole request just primed. There is a lot of work here!
We decided to start to paint the Marauder's skins:
After hours of work the unit starts to take color (here they just have skins, metals and pants):
But at the same time Borja was progressing with the Marauder Champion as well (here almost done, without details nor base):
And today we could officially say that unit and champion, both, have been completed.
First, Marauder unit:
We really like the color of the bases. We've thought that a grey color could be fine in order to look like a desolate land. We've applied a dry brush of "Bleached Bone" on the grass. Now it looks dead and corrupted, which gives coherence between ground and grass.
Then, the Marauder Champion of Avatars of War already finished: